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What If; We forgot the 9-5 jobs.

Shifting the time schedule of 9-5 jobs kill half of cancer cells in the world. We produce more natural supplements to compensate, less time in hospitals.

We cannot repair the holes, but we can alter the lifestyle to not being exposed to the toxins. Life is beautiful and precious, conserving it by any means saves the future generations??

Start with “Good evening”.


What IF; we burned all the used plastic!

High intensity heat treatment with specialised exhaust system can eventually kill plastic. There is a huge market for plastic destruction business. The current plastic manufacturers can move to a new industry to manufacture machineries and technologies to safely destroy plastic. The pollution created by plastic and related waste is considerably high for the planet. No more plastic.

Let’s find sustainable measures for the better future.

#foodforthought #researchinput #pollutioncontrol #AdI